How many trophies can you collect in 5 minutes by terraforming planets and completing tasks on each of them?

This is an ongoing small project of mine. Please feel free to give me ideas to add to the game, or ways to make it better!

This game does not work the best in web, but will have a download link soon.

Things that are still to be added:

  • More Word Land minigames
  • Box Land
  • Pattern Land
  • Bomb Land
  • Game Land (Blackjack, hilow, ball cup game)
  • Loan Land
  • Puzzle Land (Puzzle pieces, move shape to hole, slide puzzle)
  • Maze Land
  • Arcade Land (Classic arcade games)
  • Math Land
  • Food Court Land
  • Board Game Land
  • School Land
  • Heart Land
  • City Land
  • Business Land
  • Art Land
  • Flower Land
  • War Land

I also had some ideas that you can upgrade a cube into a whole game, like the whole cube is a rubix cube, or the whole planet is a bomb and you have have to use all 6 sides to diffuse it.

I have a lot of ideas for this so please give me your input!

Published 1 day ago
StatusIn development
AuthorInkspire Studios
Tags2D, 3D, fast, Indie, Short, speed


Cube and 46 MB